Sunday, June 20, 2010

Time is of the essence!

Well, 12 weeks may seem like plenty of time.
It's really not.

After working last week (week two), and getting my weekly evaluation, I'm feeling a sense of urgency to get my enterprise stories written.

I have been working on one in particular that I want to wrap up. It's been challenging getting a few details squared away, but if all goes well, I should be able to have it done next week. I'm also going to start on a second enterprise story next week as well.

I have two solid weeks in Dallas left before I start traveling for the AP. The first week of July I'll be in Houston, the next week in Austin, then New York. Two weeks is not a long time. It will be over before I know it. So I really have to push to get these stories done.

Next week, I have at least one spot news story to cover (things have been a little slow in Dallas as far as spot news is concerned), but I expect to be writing much more than the first two weeks. The more I can write, the better off I'll be.

Meanwhile, I continue to plug away at trying to refine my writing and reporting. It helps to get the weekly feedback. Sometimes you don't realize the mistakes you're making until they are pointed out. My editor has a funny way of pointing out some of the things I need to change. It's good to be able to laugh a little at yourself.

But in all seriousness, I take the advice to heart and try to implement the information into my work.

It's tricky to switch from writing for broadcast to writing for print. It's a skill that is constantly being used for the AP and one that I need to further refine.

That being said, it was a good week, but next week I'm gonna have to take it up a notch!

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