Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Intense story

I started the week in the Austin bureau which was very nice. They have a prime location just outside the Texas State Capitol. It was really just an excellent place to have the office.

The people there were great and one reporter gave me the media tour of the capitol. So it was a great start to the week.

Since I have to work this week through like normal, I flew back in to Dallas Tuesday night and reported for duty in the Dallas bureau this morning.

From the get go there was already talk about reporting on this story out of Coppell.
This is one of those stories that just sticks with you.

I was in the office at 9 a.m. and out the door by 9:30 a.m. to head to the scene. I spent the morning talking with neighbors, then going to the city hall and police station to get more information about what had happened.

Everyone in the neighborhood and coworkers of the mayor were in shock and disbelief at the thought of what transpired.

I was back in the office at around 3 p.m. and waited for editing so I could send out another writethru for the afternoon papers.

I'm not sure what else will be revealed about this situation.


Friday, July 9, 2010


The Houston bureau visit was nice.

I was able to write a few things, worked on enterprise and met the editor that I said would always forget me.

We had a chance to talk and go over some things about the Otty Sanchez story which were very useful. It was good to meet face-to-face and be able to chat. She has a strong personality, is driven and stylish_a good combo.

Next week: Austin bureau

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mother pleads not guilty by reason of insanity

This was the spot story I worked on today.

Had the San Antonio reporter not been busy with would-be hurricane coverage, I would not have had the opportunity to write this story.

It was challenging not being able to be there for the hearing, but the people with DAs office were very helpful in assisting me. Catherine was especially helpful in sorting out the details. Although my first update was a little sketchy and needed further clarification from the central desk (which I was initially a little embarrassed about), I was able to sort it all out for the more thorough write thru.

By the time it hit the wire, I felt good about the final version.

I worked on it almost all day, and with a story like this, it's important to have all the facts straight.

In between waiting for edits and wrapping up interviews, I was able to sort out some other details for my week in Houston starting Tuesday.

Overall a busy and productive day. I also had my first evaluation for the first four week period and although there were a lot of good marks, there were some room for improvement marks as well.

I totally agree with everything we discussed and I'm looking forward to the next round of my summer with the AP.

Let the travels begin!